I have come up with with some questions that I would like to ask during the interview for my music shop magazine, these are a basis of what I will ask but some may change depending on their answers. The following are 23 questions I came up with:
1) Name? Age? Come from?
2) How long have you had this
business? (Do you remember the date?)
3) Address of shop? Where is
it based and why did you decide to base it where you did?
4) Why did you decide to name
the shop ‘String Salon’ and the tution side ‘Rainbow music’?
5) Why did you want to open
up a music shop ad start doing music tuition?
6) How did this business
start out?
7) Do you play/are you
passionate about music and why?
8) What instruments do you
play and when did you start playing? / When did you realise your love for
9) What do you do here at ‘Rainbow
music’ other than the shop and music tuition?
10) What is the most popular
area of ‘Rainbow music”?
11) How many staff do you have
working for you?
12) Do you get along with all
your staff and customers?
13) How busy do you get in the
shop and other parts of ‘rainbow music’?
14) Tell me about the
customers that come into the shop, do you have any regulars? Are they all
friendly? What kind of age range do you have come in?
15) Tell me about the bands
you have here at ‘Rainbow music’ and the people in them. How many bands
altogether? Concerts/Gigs?
16) Do you enjoy your day to
day life working with this business?
17) Does it ever get
stressful? / Do you find it difficult to separate owning the business and your
everyday life?
18) Have you made any friends
through the business, staff or customers that you spend time with outside of
19) Any funny stories about
the shop or working here?
20) How has the shop grown
over the years?
21) How long do you see
yourself having this business?
22) Any exciting upcoming
23) How do you see this
business in the future?
Having these questions ready before my interview helps to keep me organised and prepared. It also gives me the advantage of planning ahead for my double page spread and article.
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