Monday 18 January 2016

Main Task: Music sub-genres.

I looked at 3 different sub-genres and at magazine covers of those sub-genres,  making notes comparing their similarities:


Hip Hop Magazines- All of these magazines have a close up of the artists face on the front cover looking forward with coverlines surrounding them, two of these magazines have the magazine title going behind their heads and the colour schemes are very basic and simple, kept to only two to three colours. The layout is neat.


Ukulele Magazines- These magazines are kept as simple as possible with one or two basic colours. The photo contains a medium close up or almost full body shot but there are not many cover lines surrounding them. The titles are smaller than on a ‘hip hop’ magazine and are kept to one side.


Rock Magazines- These magazines have a lot more going on. The coverlines are everywhere and some aren’t straight. The titles are all behind the artists heads and in all the photos have direct address.

Looking at these will help me begin to identify 'what makes a certain type of magazine'.

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